Show & Tell 🙂 in 😊Edd and friends🙃

Share your creations!

Me is cringe TwT""

Omfg heheheheheh 🤣 I got a response from my friend from discord and this is his reaction

…I wish I had answers…but I don’t have answers of why….people somewhat hate FNF? I mean the mods and music are amazing but…wtf?…

And yes this is me right fucking now 😑

wana do a show and tell???

Beep da skido bop bep ba boop skidbeep pa bep do bop (yes I made Taki and Sarvente…but uh with everybody fighting a demon kid…ha…hah…uhh….)

😐 *cough* skidbap bep bop (Literally bored rn)

B…Beep…da bop…skidbop ba…”boop ba”…beep…(H…heh…I’m kinda learning “Wingdings”…heh…)

When your parents argue over nothing and you want them to make something for you

What will you do?

People you should follow, but if you don't follow them *summons ralsei*, RALSEI WILL TURN INTO GUN-SEI





